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Welcome to the home of The Choo Choo Bob Show!

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Tell me about the show!

Winner of SEVEN Emmy Awards, The Choo Choo Bob Show is full of engaging characters, hip music, hilarious dialogue and yes….trains! In an era of slick, computer-generated entertainment, The Choo Choo Bob Show is a children’s show in the classic mold - make by real people for real kids.

It’s educational!

The Choo Choo Bob Show has been certified as “educational and informative (i/e) by child pyschologists and experts in children’s programming. Both gentle and fun, The Choo Choo Bob Show has multiple teaching moments in each episode. A joy to watch for kids of all ages!

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Where to watch…

The show is available on many streaming platforms including Peacock, Tubi and “Smile of a Child.”

All the episodes and extra content are available for streaming on our exclusive, commercial free streaming platform.

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Where to find all the Choo Choo Bob fun!


Shop for DVDs and Music CDs

Choo Choo Bob has 32 shows on six DVDs and two CDs of all original music….and it all adds up to hours and hours of trainiac fun!

Click here to start shopping.


Choo Choo Bob has a Book

“Holy Smokestacks! Here Comes a Steam Engine!” is 32 pages of traintastic fun!

Written by Brandon Terrell and illustrated by Brian Barber, “Holy Smokestacks” is an instant classic and page-turner for everyone interested in how a steam engine operates.

Click here to check out our awesome book.


Stream the Show

Watch all The Choo Choo Bob Shows, all the time on all your devices with our all new streaming service.

Watch all 32 shows plus extra content found nowhere else!

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